Monday, November 9, 2009


nape tah lately aq rase stress gile bab...
stress smpai rase cam nk gantong diri kat kipas & on no 5...
cetek tol kn...
tp ni lh ape yg aq rase skrg ni...
dunie ni dh cm xsesuai utk aq...
banyak bende yg membeban kn aq...
aq dh xlarat nk face sume ni...
tekanan dtg dr sume...
tp yg aq paling xthan tekanan drstudy r...
rase cam nk quit jek...
tp dh lambat pulak..
aq ni sbnarny xlayak pon masok u ni...
cm ne leh diterime msok pon aq x tau...
pelik tol...
dh la xpandai...
malas study lak 2...
nk bukak buku pon aq malas...
tp yg pelik aq rajin pinjam buku, cume malas nk bukak jek...
huhu, pelik kn!!!???
tp ape2 pon aq ni mmg xgune gak r...
nk study pon aq xmampu...
agakny wat bende lin pon aq xmampu kot...
xgune kn aq ni???
kenape r aq idop kat dunie ni???
baik la "gi" jek kn...
xde la menyusahkn org...



  1. UHU....
    relax la beb,,,
    pasti bleh pnye...

  2. xbaik laaaa..
    jgn ckp camtu..
    seme org rase stress, tp tk diri camne na handle..
    sometimes we do think we are the most stressfull people without notice other people more suffer then us..
    just be thankfull when u feel stress k dear..
